Braeberry Barnabas
FiddleHead Permanent Resident
Bing came to us in 2012 very green with 5 rides. The reason he came was to get miles and be sold. During his second ride with us, my daughter Naquel had begun to strategize how she could buy him. After 3 weeks of riding and attending a mt. trail clinic with him, Naquel took him to the 2012 Mt. Trail Championships in Eugene, Oregon. He did everything she asked him including dragging, backing hills, and crossing a suspension bridge. The banner photo is from 2017 National Mt. Trail Championships where together they earned Reserve Champion, Youth. We are showcasing Bing here to show the great versatility and temperament we have found in the Fell pony breed.
Get Grounded Mentor
Bing has been acting Senior Mentor in our Get Grounded training program since 2014. He has shown good example, emotional support, and aided in the development of dozens of horses. Here he stands by while Naquel does some eye-level obstacle work with a young Gypsy.
Bing is superb in his mentorship abilities as he knows the work, the process, and knows how to keep a calm, quiet demeanor. In the beginnings of foundation work, he is present during every aspect: tying, hiking, eye-level work in the round-pen. Here he is ground tying while we work getting this Andalusian mare comfortable with the position for ponying.
Bing has guided many horses on trails and over obstacles. He does it so well, we can maneuver highly technical situations together. He understands the process and even helps keep the guided horse in line.
Bing coming off the trail with a 4yr. Appaloosa in tow.
Here Bing stands quiet while this mare takes her first solo ride without being ponied or having a header. His presence seems to really help keep stress low when others are learning new concepts.
Representing the Breed
Bing has participated in Fell pony breed demos at the NW Horse Expo in Albany, OR for the years 2014, 2015, and 2017. The first two years, Bing and Naquel loped the arena carrying the British flag. In 2017, Bing did a routine without saddle and bridle.
Bing trots and lopes circles around 2 other ponies during a small draft breed demo given at the 2017 NW Horse Expo. This 3 day demo included the Fell pony, Dales pony and small Gypsies.
Bing is flanked by Sir William Wallace (L) and FellLegend Betony (R).
In 2015 and 2017 Bing and Naquel were invited to ride in the Westward Ho Parade that takes place in conjunction with the famous Pendleton Roundup in Pendleton, Oregon. Bing and Naquel pass the statue in front of the rodeo grounds that stands for the famous roundup motto, "Let 'er buck!".
Bing and CopperBeech Casper in the 2015 Westward Ho Parade, Pendleton Roundup, Pendleton, Oregon.
In 2014, Bing joined Braeberry Ruby and Townend Bunny on a volunteer trail maintenance work session. Bunny led Bing and Ruby while the two packed gravel up trails in the Capitol Forest near Olympia, WA. We were invited by Mustangs to the Rescue who brought several of their rescue horses. Most of the other participants were using mules.
Bing's forte is technical trail, extreme trail, task based work. He is a phenomenal trail horse. In 2012, Naquel and Bing earned Champion Youth in ACTHA for Oregon. He is highly skilled in navigating very technical obstacles. In 2017, Bing and Naquel attended the National Mt. Trail Championships in Eugene, Oregon. and participated in his first no-bridle class.
Bing and Naquel working on obstacles bareback/no-bridle at Shepard Rd. Mt. Trail in Clatskanie, OR.
Technical no-bridle work at Shepard Rd. Mt. Trail, Clatskanie, Oregon.
No Bridle Class at National Mt. Trail Championships in Eugene, OR. Naquel and Bing were the only team to do this class bare-back with no spur and neck rope was left most of the time hanging untouched.
Silverado Arena Youth Class. 2017
We are so thankful to have this guy in our lives and in our program. He delights us everyday, impressing us with his attitude and enthusiasm. Special thanks to Cheryl Dutton of Braeberry for importing his dam and choosing us to be his permanent home.

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