Freedom was our first encounter with a Dales pony. We met his breeders, Steve and Marian Barker, in 2014 at the NW Horse Expo. The Barkers didn't bring any ponies that year, but came to help and support the Fell pony group. During that same year at the expo, I met a gentleman who, after meeting our Fell ponies, was interested in acquiring a black gelding, but wanted over 14hh. At that time, there were very few options for taller trained Fell pony geldings. Then I remembered the Barkers saying they had some Dales geldings available. I took Freedom and his half brother, Storm into our Get Grounded training program and have been delighted with the breed ever since. My enjoyment of these ponies led me to where I am at now owning two Dales broods and a young stallion prospect.
We found Freedom to be very athletic and confident with his body. He really enjoys challenging tail obstacles and being out on trails. Here he is at the Crow Valley Trail Series Trail Course for a practice lesson on obstacles.
Freedom has big movement for a pony. Our first trot and canter on him showed us clearly how he is different from a Fell pony: more lift and movement in the shoulder, a little more reach from behind, with an overall 'bigger' feel.
Whatever we asked Freedom to do, he was pretty willing and chill about it. He had a good 'stand' for doing tasks off of him. He really likes working outdoors and being on trails.
Here's Freedom crossing Lost Creek at Elijah Bristow Park in Dexter, Oregon.
Freedom with his humans and pasture mate, Fell pony Braeberry Lydia. Elijah Bristow State Park, Dexter, OR.
As with most Dales ponies, Freedom picked up new concepts and figured out his body fairly easily. Here he is learning to stay balanced with all 4's on a narrow plank.
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